The PussyCash Traffic Evaluator enables you to analyze the effectiveness of your marketing strategies by tracking every click you send.
Using promotional codes you generate, you'll be able to:
Analyze the effectiveness of promo tools (banners, text links, full page ads, etc.)
Analyze the effectiveness of the placement of your promo tools
Analyze the effectiveness of traffic sources (web pages, pop-ups, etc.)
Your Promotional Codes
Create promotional codes that you'll add to links in order to
evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.
Analyze the effectiveness of promo tools (banners, text links, pop-ups etc.)
To analyze the effectiveness of a particular promo tool, create one promotional
code for it. Then, place it in one or more of your web pages.
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Analyze the effectiveness of traffic sources (web pages, pop-ups, etc.)
To analyze the effectiveness of a traffic source, use one promotional code for all of the promo tools you use on a specific web page and use it only on this page.
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Analyze the effectiveness of the placement of your promo tools
To analyze the effectiveness of the placement of a promo tool, create multiple
promotional codes for the same banner, text link or pop-up. Then place the
promo tool in different locations on the same web page.
Track your clicks
PussyCash will track each click that you send to our sites using your promotional codes, as well as the number of sign-ups you refer and the amount of money the traffic earns for you.
Analyze your performance
You can also evaluate each promotional code's performance on a daily basis,
to provide you with a more concise breakdown of your traffic's behavior.
Use the collected data to determine which promo tools
work best for your traffic, and which web pages convert the
best for specific PussyCash sites and watch your profits SOAR!