November had the
biggest payout to our webmasters with $125 payments for every ImLive sign-up.
This holiday season, PussyCash continues shelling out the big bucks to make
sure you stuff your stockings with cash.
Send your traffic to ImLive and you could easily get incredible
for every single sign-up you send through the end of December!
You've been given an ImLive sign-up target based on your recent performance.
Just hit your target by December 31st and you'll earn $125 for every ImLive
sign-up you sent - RETROACTIVE to the beginning of December!
per sign-up is the highest VideoChat payment on the web, today. We'll even pay
$50-100 (instead of the usual $32-100 rate) for every ImLive sign-up webmasters
send in December if they don't hit their targets. Bonus payments will be
calculated January 1st and you'll see your bonus payout in PussyCash's Bonus
Program by January 2nd. Keep your eyes peeled because the payouts are going to
be completely out of control!
here to see your ImLive sign-up target
you're good to PussyCash, PussyCash is good to you - we LIVE by this motto.
With PussyCash and ImLive, you can be 100% sure that you'll always get the best
money for your traffic. ImLive is the LARGEST webcam arena, with over 11,000
ACTIVE Hosts. At ImLive, you'll always find the most online Hosts available to
convert and serve your traffic, and with PussyCash you'll always get paid the
most for your webcam traffic.
and regulations
Eligibility for Payouts
On the per sign-up program of ImLive.com, Webmasters are eligible to receive
$125 per sign-up retroactive to the very first sign-up once they send the same
number of ImLive sign-ups as their target. Webmasters that don’t reach their
target, will be rewarded the regular $32-100 scale payment starting with $50 as
first step.
New Webmasters (i.e. signed as affiliates starting December 1st 2006) and/or
Webmasters that did not send any sign ups during Aug 1st - Nov 30th 2006, will
be limited to 100 sign ups in $125 payment.
For any sign-ups over 100 they will receive payment based on the special
$50-100 payment scale.
ImLive has the sole discretion to set the 100 sign up limitation on any
Webmaster and/or any other limitation including but not limited to disqualify
Webmasters from this campaign.
Webmasters that are not eligible to participate in PussyCash special promotions
will receive $50-100 scale payment, and not the special promotion payment.
The campaign runs from December 1, 2006 (00:00 EST) to December 31, 2006 (23:59
Multiple Accounts - in the case that a webmaster has multiple
accounts, PussyCash reserves the right to compare the accumulated number of
paying sign-ups that the webmaster sent through all of his accounts in recent
past pay periods to determine the webmaster's sign-up target and eligibility to
earn the special payment of the December 2006 promotion.