


  1. What does this mean? This is our new marketing performance competition for our affiliates who bring us paying sign-ups for and
  2. Who manages the competition? The competition is run by Pussycash's, (beginning May 1, 2006) and ImLive Affiliate Program's owners/operators - I.M.L. SLU ("I.M.L. SLU").
  3. Who is eligible for the competition? All registered affiliates of PussyCash, and ImLive Affiliate Program are automatically included in the competition. (No purchase is necessary). You must be 18 to participate in the competition (21 in AL, MS, NE, WY, and any other location where 18 is not the age of majority).
  4. When is the competition? The competition runs 24/7 from March 16, 2006 (00:00 EST) to May 31, 2006 (23:59 EST).
  5. What are the grand prizes? There are two grand prizes. One winner will be awarded a new Hummer H-3 (though I.M.L. SLU reserves the right in its absolute discretion to pay the winner US$32,000 in place of presenting the winner with the Hummer H-3). The other grand prize is a Hummer H-2 (though I.M.L. SLU reserves the right in its absolute discretion to pay the winner US$58,000 in place of presenting the winner with the Hummer H-2).
  6. How does it work for the Hummer H-2?
    1. Each hour of each day between March 16, 2006 (00:00 EST) and May 31, 2006 (23:59 EST) the affiliate accounts bringing the first five paying sign-ups registered in fact by and beginning at the top of the hour will receive a 'Hummer ticket' for each such paying sign-up brought in. (The total here is five per hour - not five per site per hour, i.e., not ten per hour). This means each day up to 120 'Hummer tickets' are assigned. 'Hummer tickets' are assigned in consecutive order. For example, on March 16, 2006 between 00:00 and 01:00 (EST) the affiliate(s) bringing the first five paying sign-ups will be assigned 'Hummer tickets' 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Between 01:00 and 02:00 on the same date, assuming five 'Hummer tickets' were obtained in the previous hour, the affiliate(s) bringing the first five paying sign-ups will be assigned 'Hummer tickets' 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively. All 'Hummer tickets' are eligible for the Hummer H-2 drawing provided that if the 'Hummer ticket' of the winner of Summer of the Sports Car Competition or the winner of the $50,000 prize to be awarded in Phoenix at the end of March/beginning of April is chosen for the H-2, this ticket shall be disqualified and a new number selected.
    2. What are my chances of winning an H-2? Up to 9,240 'Hummer tickets' will be eligible to win the H-2 (24 hours times 5 'Hummer tickets' per hour times 77 days between March 16 and May 31) so the chances of winning the H-2 will be at least 1 in 9,240 for each 'Hummer ticket'.
    3. The selection of the winner: By June 10, 2006 a number between 1 and 9,240 (or lower number equal to the total number of 'Hummer tickets' assigned if less than 9,240 were assigned in fact) shall be selected in a random drawing overseen by our attorney and/or accountant. The affiliate who holds the same unique 'Hummer ticket' as selected randomly shall be deemed the winner of the H-2.
  7. How does it work for the Hummer H-3?
    1. The ten accounts which obtained the most 'Hummer tickets' during the competition - the 'top ten' - will each be allocated one ticket for the drawing of the H-3. In the event that there is a tie for tenth place in the number of 'Hummer tickets' the account among those tied for tenth place which reached its total number of 'Hummer tickets' first will receive the ticket for the H-3 drawing. If one of the 'top ten' won in the H-2 drawing or one of the 'top ten' was a winner of the past competitions mentioned in Section 6.a. above, then 'number 11' in the number of 'Hummer tickets' will get a ticket in the H-3 drawing instead (and same idea for 'number 12' if two of the past prize winners are in the 'top ten').
    2. Aggregation of Affiliate Accounts. Where any of the twenty accounts which obtained the most 'Hummer tickets' during the competition are in our best and sole judgment (based on information held by us) controlled by the same person(s) or company which also controls other affiliate accounts (whether those other accounts are or are not among the top 20 'Hummer ticket' holders), the number of 'Hummer tickets' for those accounts under common control shall be aggregated for purposes of determining whether those aggregated accounts are together in the 'top ten' and they will receive only a single ticket for the H-2 drawing.
      1. For example, Account 123 (controlled by ABC Inc.) is number 3 in 'Hummer tickets' held (with 100 'Hummer tickets') and Account 789 (also controlled by ABC Inc.) is number 9 in 'Hummer tickets' (with 50 'Hummer tickets'): those accounts will be aggregated and will receive only one ticket for the H-3 drawing.
      2. On the other hand, Account 456 (controlled by XYZ Inc.) is number 11 in 'Hummer tickets' (with 40 'Hummer tickets') and Account 1212 (also controlled by XYZ Inc.) is number 37 in 'Hummer tickets' (with 5 'Hummer tickets'): those accounts will be aggregated and their total number of 'Hummer tickets' (45) could make them number 10 meaning they will be allocated a ticket for the H-3 drawing (instead of affiliate Jon Doe whose single account accumulated 44 'Hummer tickets' which would otherwise have made him number 10).
      3. Finally, if in terms of 'Hummer tickets' a single person controls only the accounts which are in places 21 and 22, these accounts will not be aggregated for purposes of determining the 'top ten' even if their aggregated total would have put them in the 'top ten'.
    3. Ongoing tally: We may from time-to-time post on our sites the user names of the accounts in the 'top ten' according to our records at different times during the competition. This posting is a 'rough' estimation and cannot be relied upon for any purpose, particularly, but not only, because it shall not reflect any aggregation per Section 7.b..
    4. Selection of the winner: Immediately following the drawing of the H-2, one of the tickets allocated to the 'top ten' shall be selected in a random drawing overseen by our attorney and/or accountant. The affiliate who holds the ticket selected randomly shall be deemed the winner of the H-3. Thus, if you are one of the 'top ten' your chances of winning the H-3 are 1 in 10!!!
  8. Procedures after selection of the winners
    1. Each of the Hummer winners shall be announced on PussyCash, and on ImLive sites. We shall also seek to reach the winners by telephone and/or email in order to notify them.
    2. The winner of each of the Hummers must satisfy certain conditions to receive the prize:
      1. Within 48 hours of our notice on the site that he is the winner, we must receive his reply to the notice of his being the winner and his signed agreement to undertakings prepared by I.M.L. SLU including, among other things, the following:
        1. To participate in photographs and video recording/broadcast of the presentation of the prize in the manner determined by I.M.L. SLU in its sole discretion.
        2. To I.M.L. SLU's use of photographs and recordings/broadcasts from the presentation for marketing purposes in a manner determined by I.M.L. SLU in its sole discretion.
        3. To I.M.L. SLU's use of his name online and in other media in connection with the competition and the prize in its sole discretion.
        4. To receive the prize at a time and place selected by I.M.L. SLU in its discretion. (I.M.L. SLU will fly the winner there and provide him with two nights lodging at a local hotel).
        5. Confirmation that he agrees to and understands the Official Rules of the competition.
      2. Within 5 days of our notice on the site that he is the winner, he must in fact arrive at the time and place selected by I.M.L. SLU in its discretion and participate in photographs and video recording/broadcast of the presentation of the prize in the manner determined by I.M.L. SLU in its sole discretion.
    3. Alternate winners. In the event that a winner does not comply with the requirements stated above, we are entitled to announce an alternate winner. The same requirements shall apply to the alternate winner as applied to the original winner, and if the alternate also fails to comply, a new alternate winner shall be announced. This shall be repeated until a winner complies with the requirements. I.M.L. SLU will choose the alternate winners in the same method as the winner, and may do so at the time the winner is chosen or at a later time if it becomes necessary. The alternate winners will not be announced unless the winner or previous alternate winner fails to comply with the requirements.
    4. Disqualification. Without derogating from Section 14.j. below, any affiliate who is believed by I.M.L. SLU to have himself (or caused a family member) to enter into a paying sign-up for purposes of obtaining a 'Hummer ticket' or otherwise committed fraud in respect of this competition or is terminated as an affiliate by PussyCash, or ImLive during the competition or prior to the presentation of the prizes, shall be disqualified from the competition.
  9. Getting the grand prizes.
  10. Sometime before August 31, 2006, the winner of the Hummer H-2 drawing and the winner of the Hummer H-3 drawing will be flown to a location of I.M.L. SLU's designation (and be provided two nights lodging in a nearby hotel) and be presented with the prizes. (Winner shall not be entitled in any case to decide the place of the presentation of the prize).
  11. What are the runner-up prizes? The ten accounts obtaining the most 'Hummer tickets' during the competition will be awarded $1,000 cash. These prizes will be paid to the winners in the payment scheduled for June 16, 2006. The winners of the Hummer H-3 and the Hummer H-2 will not be awarded the cash prize. The winners of past competition mentioned in Section 6.a. above are eligible to receive this prize. The rules regarding aggregation of affiliate accounts described in Section 7.b. above also apply here.
  12. Indemnification. By entering, participants release and hold harmless I.M.L. SLU, their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability or any injuries, loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with this competition or the prize.
  13. Taxes: All taxes (sales tax, property tax, license tax, VAT, income tax, withholding tax etc.) and other governmental fees applicable to the winner in respect of any of the prizes (whether the Hummer or cash) or to the prize itself are the sole responsibility of the winner. If applicable tax laws require withholding tax to be paid on the prize, I.M.L. SLU reserves the right to (a) require the winner to first pay the tax to I.M.L. SLU before receiving the prize and (b) file any required reports with the relevant tax authorities.
  14. Other Costs: The winner will be responsible for any expenses related to the Hummer including without limitation licensing costs, governmental emissions/safety standards improvements or charges, insurance premiums and/or costs/fees in connection with shipping the Hummer to any location outside of the place of presentation and licensing the Hummer in the jurisdiction of the winner's choice.
  15. Important General Conditions
    1. I.M.L. SLU specifically disclaims all express or implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the Hummers.
    2. Employees and directors (and their immediate family members) of I.M.L. SLU and their spouses shall not be eligible. Employees and directors (and their immediate family members) of suppliers of I.M.L. SLU - other than our affiliates - shall not be eligible.
    3. I.M.L. SLU is entitled to amend these official rules in its sole discretion including without limitation the dates and times mentioned above.
    4. I.M.L. SLU is entitled in its discretion to cancel the competition and participants agree that they shall not be entitled to any compensation in case of cancellation.
    5. Participants agree to abide by the terms of these official rules and by the decisions of I.M.L. SLU which are final and binding on all matters pertaining to this competition.
    6. Participants further grant to I.M.L. SLU the right to use and publish their proper name and country of residence online and in print and in any other media in connection with the competition. Acceptance of the prize constitutes permission for I.M.L. SLU to use winner's names and likenesses (photos and video) for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation.
    7. If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of I.M.L. SLU which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this contest, I.M.L. SLU reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition.
    8. I.M.L. SLU assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries and/or data related to the competition.
    9. I.M.L. SLU is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of a paying sign-up to be credited to an affiliate on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participant's or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in this competition.

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