1. The contest runs from July 1st-August 7th.
2. Out of 100 total winners, the top 25 webmasters who send the most signups to ImLive.com will get $900
worth of cash and prizes and all affiliates who send more than 10 signups to
ImLive.com will get $500 worth of cash and prizes to go to Internext.
3. If there are any ties for number of signups, priority will be given to those who referred their signups first.
4. Flight expense prize money is delivered as Bonus Credit under PussyCash Programs at the end of the
contest. The hotel room, Expo Pass and PussyCash party invite will be waiting for you in Hollywood, Florida.
5. Any winners who cannot make it to Florida will only get a $200 cash compensation prize.
6. To get your Expo pass, you will need to fill out an Internext registration form. Also, Internext will not refund anyone who has already purchased an Expo pass.
7. To be eligible for any prizes, you must send at least 10 signups to ImLive.com by August 7th. To be eligible to win package #1, you must refer at least 25 signups to ImLive.com by August 7th.
8. PussyCash reserves the right to cancel and/or change the terms of this campaign at any time.
9. Employees of PussyCash and ImLive (and family members of said employees) are ineligible to win prizes
in this competition.