The following table contains the contains the countries we pay for and
the amount per unique valid lead from each country:
The following table contains the contains the countries we pay for and
the amount per unique valid lead from each country:
The following table contains the contains the countries we pay for and
the amount per unique valid lead from each country:
The following table contains the contains the countries we pay for and
the amount per unique valid lead from each country:
The following table contains the contains the countries we pay for and
the amount per unique valid lead from each country:
Feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew? Deciding which program to go for can be daunting!
Navigate your way through with PussyCash's tools and knowledge however, and you'll be killin' it in no time!
Our Alpha Cats suggest trying out a number of programs, monitoring your results with our stats analysis tools to find out which works best for your traffic. Another useful technique is to simply put up both a Rev Share banner and a per Sign-Up banner on your site, choose a time frame (i.e. 6 months) and compare at the end of that period which program was more worthwhile for you.
When promoting sites, you're not obligated to stick to one type of payment program - many webmasters optimize their earnings by using promo tools associated with varying payment programs simultaneously.
Mix it up, and maximize your revenue!