About the PussyCash Payment Programs A variety of ways to earn money and maximize your revenue!
A PussyCash Payment Program refers to the method by which you'd like to earn
money for referring users to PussyCash sites. Each site offers its own payment
program options and individual rates. When promoting sites, you're not
obligated to stick to one type of payment program. Many webmasters optimize
their earnings by using promo tools associated with varying payment programs
What are the PussyCash Payment
There are three main payment programs in PussyCash, offered by different
PussyCash sites and the Webmaster Referral Program:
For a full description of every site's complete Payment terms,
click here
What to Consider When Choosing a
Payment Program
Many webmasters debate on whether to promote sites using the Per Member or Rev
Share program.
Though we can't tell you which method to use, we can say that if you want
instant gratification for every sign-up you get, then the Per Member program
with its flat fee reward is the one for you.
If on the other hand, you're fairly confident that you've got "quality" traffic
and you're looking for steady, long term income, then the Rev-Share program
could suit you much better.
However, the decision doesn't have to be a shot in the dark. You can try both
programs out and monitor your results to find out which program works better
with your traffic. You even have a variety of
stats analysis tools to help you do so. But for the simplest approach,
just put up a rev share banner and a per member banner on your site, choose a
time frame (ie 6 months) and compare at the end of that period which program
was more worthwhile for you.
How to select a Payment Program
Selecting a Payment Program is simply part of the process of adding a promo
tool to your site. Click on Promo Tools in the nav bar menu.
Once you select a category and site, you will be prompted to choose a Payment
Program. After selecting the Payment Program, you can then go ahead and take
the type of promo tools you've selected.
Because every promo tool falls under its own Payment Program, you can take
promo tools from all the different Payment Programs we have, add them to your
site and get paid for each according to its own terms:
Checking your earnings by Payment
PussyCash is organized in such a way that you can easily track how much you're
earning via each payment program. On your Members Page, choose a site category
in your statistics area. The next page will display your earnings for each of
the site's offered Payment Programs.
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